Influential Virtual Marketing Director For Small Business

A virtual marketing director for a small business can wear many hats. It is proficient in digital marketing, social media, and content marketing. Additionally, it can develop brand awareness and create leads.

The most important thing for a virtual marketing director is to be able to develop a strategy. And figure out a business's target market and how they can reach them. Moreover, it can track a business's progress and analyze the results.

A virtual marketing director is organized and efficient and can work with a team but also be able to work independently. And above all, it has a passion for marketing.

Marketing automation has been an essential part of small business marketing for years. Businesses can save time and money by automating specific processes and ensuring that their marketing, branding, and content is consistent across all channels. However, the human element of branding is still essential. A company cannot rely on software alone to create a successful brand; it must also have a strong marketing strategy and a team of dedicated employees who are passionate about their work.

What is a Virtual Marketing Director?

First we need to consider the options a small business has for marketing. Historically, hiring a marketing agency to help with marketing efforts was the go to. However, this can be expensive for a small business. 

Another growing popular option is utilizing a virtual marketing tool, which can provide a wide range of services, such as creating and managing social media accounts, designing and executing marketing campaigns, and providing analysis and reporting on marketing data. This option can be done via hiring, software, or a combination of both. It's often more affordable and allows for better control over the marketing for small businesses.

Tactycs is your virtual marketing director; a subtle combination of both software and human elements.

virtual marketing director combining ai and humans

Tactycs will generate a marketing strategy based on five vital pieces of information; target audience, organizational information, company objective, and available resources such as time and budget. Tactycs then provides key features to help your team stay on track, with an automated marketing calendar and continuous improvement via machine learning on the key performance indicators of each marketing activity.

It's not an agency or freelancer or just a marketing tool. It combines automation tooling and manual customization to create the perfect virtual marketing director. Not only laying out what to do but how to do it. 

Marketing Plan

You can now get a clear, concise and optimized marketing plan based on the critical factors of your business, objective, audience and resources to start focusing on the right marketing tactics. Exactly what social platforms to use, which ad channels are best for you, whether you should be blogging, using email automation, etc.

All you need to do is, provide Tactycs with introductory information about your business, audience, and resources and the best data-driven marketing strategy will be built for you. 

Marketing Calendar

With Tactycs Marketing Calendar, you can get a clear, concise and optimized calendar at the click of a button, giving you more time to engage with your audience.

Save Time - Create More.

Tactycs automatically maps out your campaigns based on your available time and budget. Scheduling the entire marketing strategy allows you to identify long-form content, multi-purpose content, supporting tools, and areas of improvement. It also builds in optimal day and time to post efficiency according to your industry.

Seeing your multichannel marketing strategy in one place allows you to maximize distribution.

Marketing Analytics

Tactycs will begin to learn from your performance and provide actionable insights. Creating a strategy and continuously pushing for growth so that you can save time and gain clarity on your marketing analytics.

Tactycs automatically gathers the key performance indicators from your social media posts.

For example, if one social media platform hits your desired objective significantly better than the second. The software recommends we adjust the frequency and resource allocation to favour the social media of strength.


Tactycs offers reasonable and pocket-friendly pricing of $29/per month, providing access to all current and future modules.

Comparatively speaking, an agency can cost you anywhere from $500-$5000/month.

You can start accessing your virtual marketing director with a 14-day free trial option.


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