Best Time To Post on Facebook Based on Industry

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when is the best time to post on Facebook based on industry. However, by analyzing data from the ten most common industries, we can better understand the best times for each sector. Remember that these times are just general guidelines - you should test out what works best for your business. With that in mind, here are some tips for posting at different times of the day!

Industry Best Time To Post

  • E-Commerce: 9am to 5pm.

  • Real Estate: 12pm to 3pm, weekdays for Buyers/Sellers, 8am to 11am for Real Estate Professionals.

  • Business Services: 9am to 3pm weekdays.

  • Technology: 1pm on Tuesday is peak tech time, a lot of variation based on tech sector.

  • Retail: 8am-11am or 4pm to 7pm, early or the evening when shopping occurs.

  • Fashion: 12pm on Wednesdays, followed closely by Thursday & Friday.

  • Marketing & Advertising: 12pm to 3pm.

  • Health & Fitness: 9am, Tuesday is peak. Early morning is best for this sector.

  • Travel & Hospitality: 3pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays

  • Arts & Entertainment: 9am to 7pm.


The best time to post on Facebook for the e-commerce industry is typically 9 am and 5 pm when most people are online. However, this may vary depending on your target audience. For example, if you're targeting working professionals, you may want to post later in the evening.

Real Estate

Real estate is one of the most popular industries on Facebook. To get the most out of your Facebook marketing, it's essential to post at the right time.

Generally, the best time to post on Facebook is between 12 pm and 3 pm on weekdays. This is when most people are online and are likely to check their Facebook feed.

However, there are some exceptions. If you're targeting people who work in real estate, you may want to post earlier in the day, between 8 am and 11 am. This is when they're most likely to have time to check their Facebook feed and see your post.

Business Services

The best time to post on Facebook for the business services industry is generally considered weekdays between 9 am and 3 pm. However, the frequency of your posts must align with the timing. See exactly how often you should post in your industry.


The best time to post on Facebook for the technology sector is at 1 pm on Tuesdays. This is based on the 10 most common industries, which shows that the technology sector has the most variation in when the best time to post is.


Regarding the best time to post on Facebook for the retail sector, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

First, it's essential to consider that people in the retail industry often look for special deals and discounts, so posting about these offers early in the morning or later in the evening can effectively reach this audience.

Additionally, many people in the retail sector use Facebook as a source of information when purchasing, so posting relevant and valuable content can help you connect with this audience.

Finally, since competition for attention is consistently high on Facebook, it's essential to experiment with different posting times and strategies to find what works best for your business.


The best time to post on Facebook for the fashion industry is on Wednesdays at Noon. For the most part, Facebook is busiest on Thursdays and Fridays. However, posting on Wednesday at noon will ensure that the highest number of people see your content.

Health and Fitness

Health and fitness are one of the most popular industries on Facebook. According to Sprout Social, the best time to post on Facebook for the health and fitness industry is Tuesday at 9 am Eastern Time. This is when most people check their Facebook feeds, and there's usually less competition from other posts.

Marketing and Advertising

When it comes to marketing and advertising, timing is everything. So what's the best time to post on Facebook?

Our analysis of the 10 most common industries shows that the best time to post on Facebook is between 12 pm and 3 pm and it generally seems most effective.

Travel and Hospitality

The best time to post on Facebook for the travel and hospitality industry is at 3 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is based on the 10 most common industries, so your results may vary depending on your niche. Generally, though, posting during these times will get you the most reach and engagement from your followers.

Arts & Entertainment

The best time to post for the Arts & Entertainment industry on Facebook is between 9 am and 7 pm EST. However, each industry varies, so research is essential to find the optimal posting times for your page. Try using a tool like Facebook Insights to see when your fans are most active, and then adjust your posts accordingly.

Now that you know the best time to post on Facebook for your industry, it's time to put this information into practice. Remember that these times are general guidelines and may vary depending on your specific audience. Experiment with different posting times and see which ones generate the most engagement for your business. What do you think? Will you try out a new posting schedule based on this information? 

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