Blogging for Small Businesses: How to Turn Words into Business Growth

If you're running a small business, there's one simple thing you might be overlooking: blogging. It's not just about throwing a few posts up and hoping for the best. A thoughtful blog can really put your business on the map! It's all about getting your name out there, winning over customers, and setting yourself up as the go-to in your field. Today, we're diving into why blogging is such a big deal for small businesses. From beefing up your SEO game to building real connections with your customers, we’ll show you how a steady flow of blog posts can ramp up your website traffic, generate leads, and boost your search engine ranking. Ready to give your marketing strategy a fresh twist? Let’s get into it!

how blogging for small business drives seo

It drives traffic to your website

There’s something special about blogs when it comes to driving website traffic. It gives your business a one-of-a-kind opportunity to target your audience’s pain points, and pinpoint timely keyword trends. There are distinct ways you can use blogs to target niche fractions of your audience. 

Let’s create a scenario: you’re a pet nutritionist looking to build your client list. There may be some people who outright search for a pet nutritionist - this section of your audience already knows what they want and how to get it. However, there’s a large amount of people who won’t do this. Instead they’ll search up something similar to “why is my dog’s skin dry?”. This is a long-tailed search query, which has lower competition than most shorter keywords (like “pet nutritionist”). Although not as many people will search this query, those who do search it will be a part of your target audience. This search would be relevant to a pet nutritionist because a dog’s diet plays a major role in their skin health, but there’s a caveat to this. 

Unless you’ve created a website about dry skin on dogs, your website won’t organically appear in a search like this. Instead, search engines will pull answers to that question, and whoever searched that question won’t find you. This is where your blog comes in! If you create a blog post titled “Dry Skin On Dogs: Causes & Solutions”, then your blog can come up. You can use that blog as an opportunity to show your level of expertise, while introducing your audience to what you do and how your services will help address their pain point. Instead of depending on potential customers to look for you, you find them.

Not only that, but blogs are a great way to make use of additional keywords. Ideally, your site already has a good amount of keywords, but it’s relatively difficult to incorporate every single keyword that’s relevant to your business. Blogging gives you the ability to take all those unused keywords and incorporate them into your website without overloading your site pages. 

The relevance of a keyword can sometimes change overtime. That means that there may be many keywords not in your website that suddenly become high traffic searches. Your blog can be an effective tool to not miss out on timely trends. 

It’s a tool for lead generation

Blogs can play a key role in compelling individuals to share their information and generate leads. This is because blogs don’t just tell readers you’re qualified, they show it. Blogs provide valuable content that addresses the needs, problems, and questions of your target audience. By educating readers, you establish trust and credibility, making them more open to sharing their contact information in exchange for more helpful content.

Once you’ve proven your value through your blog, you can utilize the blog’s call to action (CTA) to encourage them to sign up for a newsletter or email list, or even implement a tradeoff strategy. We use the term ‘tradeoff’ to describe the process of offering a valuable resource to in exchange for an email or other relevant contact information. These offerings can range from small-scale resources like a check-list or step-by-step guide, to large-scale resources like e-books or templates. 

Don’t be afraid to lean into the ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out) side of things. If you really want to push a potential client into becoming a lead, you need to convince them that your newsletter or resource will be valuable to them. Embed compelling call to actions within your blog posts that direct readers to take an action, such as contacting your business, signing up for a webinar, or getting a free consultation. Make sure these CTAs are visually distinct and placed strategically throughout the content.

blogging for small business from your home

It can help your domain authority 

When you keep churning out great blog content, it’s like sending out VIP invites to the Google party. Every quality post you create is a chance to throw in those juicy keywords, get linked to from other respectable sites, and keep visitors hanging around your site longer. Regular blogging keeps your website active and signals to search engines that your site is a relevant source of information. All of this influences search engines to see your site as important and trustworthy. The result? Your domain authority goes up, which is just fancy talk for 'your website gets taken more seriously'. There’s millions of websites search engines can pull, and not all of them are trustworthy. 

Domain authority has an impact on how high search engines such as Google organically rank you in relevant searches. Be honest, have you ever gone onto the second page of your search results on Google? Probably not. Most consumers won’t scroll too far before deciding what page to click on. That's why the higher you rank, the better chance you have of getting traffic to your website. 


Blogging isn't just an optional extra for your small business—it's a powerful growth tool. From drawing in more eyeballs to your website with strategically placed keywords to beefing up your credibility with informative content and a dedicated blog that sets your business apart. Plus, nailing those targeted long-tail keywords means you're not just getting random traffic; you're attracting visitors who are actually looking for what you offer. With the capability to continuously adapt to new keyword trends and push up your domain authority, you've got yourself a dynamic strategy that not only reaches but has an impact on your potential customers. So, whether you're crafting engaging content to showcase your expertise, designing clever CTAs to convert readers into leads, or just aiming to climb those SERP rankings, remember: every blog post is an opportunity to spark connections and drive meaningful business results. Start blogging and watch your small business thrive in the digital world!

If you’re not SEO-savvy, or aren’t getting the search engine results you’re hoping for, Tactycs can help. Not every business owner needs to have digital marketing expertise to thrive, that’s where we come in! Our team is experienced in creating dynamic keyword strategies that will drive high-intent traffic to your website, and we don’t just do the job and leave you hanging — We follow your results every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how to take your website, email marketing, ad strategy, and social media to the next level. Don’t just leave it to chance, leave it to Tactycs.


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