Case Study

Campbell Morden

+920% online leads and +289% closed deal rate

Introducing Campbell Morden

Campbell Morden is your reliable staffing agency. They have the experience, confidentiality, and understanding to fit candidates to specifications, ensuring long term retention and success. They been operating in Canada for 20+ years which has enabled them to have the talent network to handle just about any recruitment job.


The objective of the Campbell Morden team was to transition from a purely referral based sales process to an online presence that was capable of generating and nurturing leads with their limited resources in mind. The Campbell Morden team also had limited experience in creating and maintaining a marketing strategy.


Tactycs immediately identified that the Campbell Morden team needed a sufficient amount of outbound marketing to support the business now, while building up the long term inbound funnel for the future.

Based on the need to increase outbound marketing and build long term inbound Campbell Morden’s main goal was to increase awareness of the brand by increasing website traffic. As such, this objective was selected during the strategy creation process. Furthermore, using Google Analytics and other social media demographic data Campbell Morden and the Tactycs team identified that the ideal target audience would be 35 year olds with an equal ratio of males and females. 

A combination of the Tactycs software and consulting services was applied to best achieve the marketing goals.


Candidate Funnel

Here’s What We Did

The strategy recommended by Tactycs was foundational in nature. With data backing the strength of replacements to said P2P activities. Each activity was set up with automation and time constraints in mind. These activities support the immediate outbound efforts of Campbell Morden. 

Bringing these marketing activities together, Campbell Morden was able to become self-sufficient in bringing in candidate outbound leads and no longer relied on referral sales. The SEO activities and LinkedIn posts worked together to bring an increase in traffic. The increase in traffic increased Campbell Morden’s applicant pool. The bigger applicant pool allowed for more consistent email marketing campaigns which in turn further helped website traffic. 


Content Strategy

On the other hand, the InMail and advertisements achieved in bringing in employer outbound leads to the website while also increasing Campbell Morden’s network. Blog posts aided in the strategy of multi-purpose content by creating email marketing and social material which in turn increases website conversions. Finally, RSS feeds helped increase the list of leads with a direct pain point correlation to Campbell Mordens services. 

All these activities worked in conjunction to reach the main goal; to develop a sufficient amount of outbound marketing to support the business now, while building up the long term inbound funnel for the future.

The result: Doubled business revenue


In only 6 months, Tactycs enhanced all marketing categories

+174% Website Traffic

+1070% Email Database

+229% LinkedIn Click Rate

+920% online leads & +289% closed deals

Brian Pho, Owner, Campbell Morden

"I’m a small Buisness owner. Marketing was always a challenge especially when competing against the larger recruitment firms. Zack and his team gave great consulting insights as we build a strategic digital marketing engine."

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