How To Get Employees To Engage On Social Media
Want to know how to get employees to engage on social media? Here's how to get employees to engage on social media.

Hootsuite Alternative: Which Marketing Tool Is Best For You?
Hootsuite vs Tactycs? Which tool should I use to improve my marketing? Can I use both? Hootsuite is used to see data from all social platforms. Tactycs takes it further by creating a customized marketing strategy based on your objectives. Read the full comparison here!

The 4 Simple Answers You Need To Create The Best Content Strategy
This is the definitive guide to gathering key information to generate a content strategy with Tactycs. Included in this guide are tips and tricks to help identify the real answers to crucial questions about your target market, company preferences, and more.

How to Set Marketing Objectives and Track Them + Free Objective Tracking Template!
Depending on your marketing objective there will be different KPIs to track. So we've created a free objective tracking template!

What Marketing Tactics Should I Use? The 9 Strategies You Can Invest In
Every asked yourself "What Marketing Tactics Should I Use?" So have we. So we've compiled a list of 9 strategies that you can invest and try.

Inbound Marketing Strategy: Creating a Sustainable Customer Base
The Inbound marketing strategy is about customers finding you organically and paying you for your services. No more cold-calling.

The Case for Rebranding: The Benefits and How to Rebrand A Company
Wonder if its time to rebrand your company and now sure how to go about rebranding? Read on to know 7 things to think about.

The Rise Of Influencer Marketing And How It Can Help Your Business Succeed
It's no secret that influencer marketing is on the rise. It's one of the most effective ways of getting followers and engagement.

The Beginner Guide to Google Search Ads
Learn the basics of how to set up a Google Search Ads campaign, understand what they are and their value. Begin building effective campaigns

10 Tools To Set Up Before Spending Time On Marketing
Not sure where to begin with your marketing strategy and feeling overwhelmed? Here are 10 tools to set up before spending time on marketing

Stock and Branded Images: Where To Get Free Stock Photos & How To Develop Branded Images
It’s always a good idea to include some form of media on your social media posts. They can catch the attention of people scrolling through their feeds a lot more than a post without a picture.Not sure where to get free stock photos? No worries, we've got you covered!

How to Write A Social Post For All Platforms
Not sure how to write and put together a social media post? It's actual very easy. There are 6 steps that you must go through.

The Repeatable Guide of What To Post On Social Media
Not sure what to post on social media? This guide will be your source for what to post, how messaging changes and much more.

Google Search Console: The 5 Reports That Matter To Your Business
Google Search Console (previously known as google webmaster tool) is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor, maintain and troubleshoot your site’s presence in Google search results.

What Is An Attribution Model and How Does It Apply To My Marketing?
Attribution modeling is a framework for analyzing which touchpoints, or marketing channels, receive credit for a conversion. Each attribution model distributes the value of a conversion across each touchpoint differently.

How to Effectively Analyze Your Target Market Demographics
Effectively analyzing your target market demographics is extremely important to ensure you’re reaching the right audience and and providing the most value.

Beginner Business Analytics: 11 Step Guide To Setting Up Goals In Google Analytics
You can use goals to measure how often users complete a specific action. A goal represents a completed activity, in other words a conversion that contributed to the success of your business. Examples of goals that you could set up include making a purchase, submitting a contact form, downloading a resource, or watching a video.

The 12 Step Process on How to Set Up Google My Business
This 12 step guide will show you how to set up google my business to ensure your business never misses out on getting in front of customers.

Everything You Need To Know About Customer Feedback
How do you know if your customers are happy with the experience? What do they dislike and like about your products or services? Customer feedback is one of the most vital sources of information for your business. It helps improve product development, marketing, operations and overall success. Listening to your customers and making adjustments is the best way to move a business forward.

Getting Started With Email Marketing
Email marketing isn’t about you or your company, it's about the customer. If you’re able to provide them with valuable content and information then your subscribers will not only read your emails but they will look forward to hearing from you.