3-Step Process To Get More Google Reviews

As a business owner, you know how important it is to have an online presence. One of the most effective ways to increase your visibility and credibility is by getting more Google reviews. Having positive reviews on Google can help boost your business's reputation and attract new customers. But how do you go about getting those all-important google reviews?

In this article, we'll walk you through a three-step process for getting more google reviews that any business – large or small – can use to get the most out of its online presence. We'll also provide tips on how to handle negative google reviews so that they don't hurt your overall reputation. So let's get started!

3 Step process to get more google reviews

1. Incentive

The first thing you want to do is incentivize your customers to leave a review. This can be done by offering a coupon, discount, or special offer in exchange for their google review. Make sure to explain clearly how you want the customer to leave the google review and what they should include (be as specific as possible).

2. Organize a list of all customers

The next thing you'll want to do is organize a list of all your customers and who is eligible to leave a review for your business. This could be done through email, your company website, or other media outlets.

3. Create a sequence

Once you've identified your google review customers, create a sequence of how you will tell them that they can leave a review. Think of it as a mini-contest. You will need to send an initial email or social posts so that customers are aware of the contest. But then you want to make sure that you follow up 2 weeks adn then 1 week before the contest is over and a winner is picked.

4. Make it as easy for customers as possible (link & example of what they could write)

Finally, you want to make it as easy as possible for the customer to leave a review. Make sure to include a direct link that takes them directly to your google page and provide an example of what they could write for their google review.

Tips on how to handle negative google reviews

No matter how hard you try, it's inevitable that, at some point, you will receive negative google reviews. The most important thing is not to panic and respond to the google review quickly and professionally. Be sure to explain the situation and address any issues your customer may have had. And if you can, offer a solution or refund in order to show that you are taking their issue seriously.

What to do after you get your Google reviews

Once you receive your reviews, the next step should be sharing it on our social media to the rest of your audience! This is a great way to show your google reviews and spread the word about your business. Use Canva to build your template, or use our free template builder!

testimonial social post creator

By following this three-step process and properly handling negative google reviews, your business can gain more google reviews. This will help boost your online presence and attract potential customers. Good luck!

Turn your testimonials into instant social media posts

Create & Schedule A Testimonial


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