How a $50 Competition Can Get You An Amazing Google Review

A Google review is an important part of any business’s digital presence. They can help potential customers make informed decisions and boost a company’s online reputation. Google reviews also provide valuable feedback to businesses, allowing them to identify areas where they need improvement. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle to get even a single Google review from their customers. One way businesses can increase the number of Google reviews they receive is by running a $50 competition as an incentive for customers to leave a review. In this article, we will discuss why each Google review is so important, how offering something in return increases the likelihood of getting more reviews and step-by-step instructions on creating such a competition. We will also look at the benefits that come with having each customer provide a Google review and how it can help businesses reach their marketing goals.

Should you incentivize reviews?

In recent years, a Google review has become an increasingly important tool for businesses to measure their success and reach their marketing goals. Google reviews are an effective way to gather customer feedback, build trust among potential customers and showcase a business’s level of expertise. Not to mention that if you have more reviews on your Google My Business the more likely Google will serve you to potential customers. But the question remains should you incentivize reviews?

Absolutely! In an ideal world, customers will want to leave you a review because they love your company, but sometimes, you need to give them that extra push, which is totally fine!

How to create a competition to get you the perfect Google review

The first step is figuring out what you want to give away. Once you have that down, there are three things that you will want to get organized.

  1. Email sequence

  2. Social media seqeunce

  3. Google link.

Email Sequence

You'll want to send out 4 emails. The first email will announce the contest, stating the rules for entry, the prize, and when a winner is chosen.

The next email you will want to send is 2 weeks out, reminding them to enter the contest. Similarly, the third email will be one week before the contest is over. Finally, you'll want to send an email the day before for any last minuted entries.

Social Media Sequence

Next, you'll want to do the exact same thing on your social media pages. Create 4 posts and schedule them as the initial announcement, 2 weeks, 1 week and then the day before.

Google Link

Finally, you'll want to get your Google review link so that it's super easy for customers to leave a review on your Google My Business. To get your link to follow these steps.

  1. Type in your business name on Google

  2. Click on your reviews

  3. Click on "get more reviews" in the top right-hand corner

  4. Copy the link and share it with your customers.

You will need to have access to your Google My Business account in order to see

In conclusion, a Google review is a great way for businesses to measure their success and reach their marketing goals. Offering something in return can be an effective way of incentivizing customers to leave more Google reviews, but it is important that the competition rules remain fair and transparent. By following our step-by-step guide on how to create such a competition, you’ll be able to get your business one step closer towards reaching its online reputation goals. With the right strategy and techniques in place, Google reviews could become an invaluable asset for any business looking to boost its digital presence!

Turn your Google review into instant social media posts:

Free Google Review To Social Media Creator


Where to Get Your Google Reviews Link


3-Step Process To Get More Google Reviews