
Marketing Calendar

Save Time - Create More

Get a clear, concise and optimized marketing calendar at the click of a button. Giving you more time to engage with your audience.

Exactly What You Need And When You Need It

Get an instant marketing calendar based on the marketing activities in your strategy. Tactycs automatically maps out your campaigns based on the available time and budget that you have. 

Add, remove, or edit any activities date, length, or frequency at the click of a button.

Become A Proactive Marketing Team

Save time, stay consistent, and most importantly be proactive with your marketing. Scheduling the entire marketing strategy allows you to identify long form content, multi-purpose content, supporting tools, and areas of improvement.

Seeing your multichannel marketing strategy in one place allows you to maximize distribution.

Here’s how Tactycs completely handles the planning process of your marketing calendar across all marketing channels.


Stay Honest

"Tactycs keeps me honest and on track. Running my own business, there are infinite things to worry about. The Tactycs marketing calendar keeps me grounded and gives me something I can rely on"
Brian Pho - Campbell Morden
Partner & Technical Recruiter

Event Adjustments

  1. Frequency of channel
  2. Control the duration of activities
  3. Add or remove events
  4. Edit the date of activities
  5. Add calendar notes

Calendar Preferences

  1. When next months calendar is generated
  2. Which days do we want to post or advertise
  3. Calendar coverage preferences 

Built-In Considerations

  1. Resource allocation
  2. Peak day for activity posts
  3. Optimal run time for activities
  4. Marketing activities are spaced out based on expected frequency

Why Do You Need A Marketing Calendar?

The Problem

In order to understand why you need a marketing calendar we need to consider it’s use case.

Let’s look at a brand new business. A young company with only 2-4 employees and a mountain of work to get done. In terms of their business, they prioritized current customers and outbound sales above all else. Additionally, they are a service based business, so the majority of their time is spent executing on promised work. The team was surviving but not growing. They found themselves overwhelmed with where to even begin the planning and creation process of a sustainable inbound strategy. The stress and confusion created a scenario of ‘marketing avoidance’.  

What The Software Does

Tactycs takes what would be considered a confusing multi-channel marketing strategy and turns it into an easy to follow marketing calendar. This specific feature takes the marketing activities and the resources available and creates a cohesive calendar that’s built for the specific user(s). 

Let’s assume this company had planned on using LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Ads, Written Blogs, and YouTube Posts. Tactycs would take said breakdown of activities and create a marketing calendar with optimal coverage. Keeping in mind the users decided to only set aside a certain amount of hours, Tactycs would recommend a distribution of two blogs, one YouTube video, and an array of social posts that stem from the long-form content. 

The Solution

By removing the entire manual portion of the planning process the team is able to reduce stress and focus solely on what to create. What was once a ‘black box’ becomes a very clear set of steps to follow.  

Optimize Your Marketing Calendar With Tactycs