How to use customer testimonials on social media

How to use customer testimonials on social media

Having satisfied customers is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. That’s why customer testimonials can be such a powerful tool for promoting your brand and boosting sales. By leveraging customer reviews on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, you can showcase real-life experiences from existing customers and create a sense of trust in your brand that will encourage potential customers to take action. In this article, we'll look at how to use customer testimonials on social media—including best practices for crafting compelling posts that will engage followers. Let's get started!

Collecting customer testimonials

Collecting customer testimonials is an essential step for using them effectively on social media. The best way to get authentic, honest customer reviews is to directly ask your customers for their feedback. You can do this by reaching out via email or phone, or by using a survey tool that allows customers to provide ratings and comments about their experiences.

Steps to collect customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful marketing tool that can help to drive sales and build trust in your brand. To get the most out of customer testimonials, it is essential to collect them in an efficient and effective manner. Here are some key steps to do just that:

Identify Your Target Audience

1. Identify Your Target Audience: Before you start collecting customer feedback, it is important to identify your ideal target customer. Think about the characteristics of this person and determine how best to reach them – whether through email campaigns or surveys, for example.

Ask For Feedback

2. Ask for Feedback: When asking for customer feedback, be sure to make it easy for customers to provide you with their experiences and stories. Use surveys, interviews or open-ended questions to get the most detailed and valuable customer feedback.

Follow Up

3. Follow Up: After you’ve collected customer testimonials, it is important to follow up with customers to thank them for their feedback and inquiry about how they are enjoying your product/service. This will help to build customer loyalty and ensure that all testimonials are genuine.

Once you’ve collected customer feedback, it’s time to start using it on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Turn Your Testimonials Into Instant Social Posts [FREE]

Creating multiple versions, formats, and stories per customer testimonial

Creating multiple versions, formats, and stories per customer testimonial is an important step in leveraging customer reviews on social media. Having multiple variations of each customer’s story allows you to create compelling posts. Ultimately, capturing the attention of your followers and potential customers. In order to do this effectively, it is essential to craft different versions of each customer’s story. Tailoring them to the particular platform you’re posting on. For example, if you’re posting a customer review on Twitter, it should be short and snappy so that it can stand out among all of the other content in your follower’s feed. Alternatively, if you’re posting customer stories on Facebook, you can take the time to explore a customer’s experience in more depth by including videos or images.

Once you’ve collected customer testimonials, it's time to turn them into eye-catching visuals!

You can tackle this challenge multiple ways. Manual design and create using something like Canva. Download and/or purchase templates. Or you can utilize a free tool like TESTIMONIAL CREATOR, where you can just copy in the quote, enter the reviewers name and automatically generate 20+ on brand testimonials in less than 10 seconds.

How to Publish Customer Testimonials Efficiently

Once you’ve collected customer feedback and crafted compelling posts, it’s time to start publishing it on social media. Publishing customer testimonials on these platforms can help boost sales and build trust in your brand. Here are some key tips for efficiently publishing customer reviews online:

Time Your Posts

1. Time Your Posts Carefully: To maximize the impact of customer testimonials, it is important to time your posts carefully. Take into account when your target audience is most likely to be online and post during that window.

Ask For Shares

2. Ask for Shares: Asking customers to share their experiences with their friends or family can help increase the reach of customer stories on social media.

Use Hashtags

3. Use Hashtags: When publishing customer testimonials on social media, be sure to use relevant hashtags to help increase the visibility of posts.

Utilize Customer Testimonials Multiple Times

4. Utilize the same customer testimonial multiple times: Be sure to spread out your customer testimonials. Not every business has thousands of customer testimonials to use so be sure to spread them out in a way that allows you to re-use / recycle the same customer reviews.

Execution Example with just 20 Reviews

As an example if you have 20 reviews.

  • Create an image version, a Gif version, and a video version of each.

  • Now you have 60 review posts to share

  • Never share the same review in the same month - schedule out 5 reviews per month (60 divided by 12) and rotate them accordingly

Now you've have what appears to be a tremendous amount of customer testimonials and satisfaction in a fresh visual manner.

Not interested in all the micro-managing required to create, organize, schedule, and monitor all your customer testimonials?

No worries - we've found a good resource for this. Check out the free and instant testimonial creator here, which will build out all the visuals in the different formats and then set them to be scheduled out over a specific time period. Generating the visuals takes less than 30 seconds and the scheduling is done in under 5 minutes. Super easy.

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25 Testimonial Templates That Get Automatically Created For You