
Steal Your
Competitors Best Content

Get monthly hand-written articles that outrank your competitors

SEO is a race - Take advantage of your competitors:

Here's how we do it...

Submit Competitor List for us To Track

Provide the prioritized list of your competitors in the form below. 

Get Monthly Articles Hand-Written & Sent To Your Inbox

When the trigger is hit. We target similar keywords and improve upon 5+ articles per month.

How We Drive Traffic Over Your Competitors

The age of AI has lost the most important factor; value. We create high value hand-written content with the right on & off page SEO, image tags, and SEO schema. 

Competitor Writer Example

"I just wait to get emails, post the blogs, and my traffic has jumped by thousands. No brainer"

SEO Depth: The concept of SEO depth is achieved by monitoring multiple competitors. Most websites rely on one or two phrases to grab traffic. By monitoring 3+ competitors for content, you can be certain that ‘seo depth’ will be achieved. This means driving meaningful traffic from 10’s of pages instead of the 1 or 2. 

Get 1 Free Competitor Blog - No Payment Req.

Submit your company details & competitor list in the form here and you will receive 1 free article within the next 7 days 

Continue afterwards for $479/month - 5 competitor driven articles

Where to Start & How We Create Better Content?


If there aren’t enough articles to improve upon from our end then we will rollover the articles to the following months. Likely recommending new competitors for you!

Yes! Submit your competitor list in priority and we we’ll always create content from the #1 rival first.

The articles will be sent directly to your preferred email address with the required attachments. Making it easy to upload to your specific website. 

Start beating your rivals today